Data Visualization for Artists and Designers

This course will give Art and Design students a foundation in the principles and practice of data visualization using R.

The viewpoint of this course is of using R to create geometric metaphors. Diverse domains have their own uniquely structured data. These will be depicted using geometric metaphors to enable better understanding of the underlying circumstances and realities.


Data, Domains, and Metaphors in R

We will understand the idea of data and types of variables in data. These will lead us to creating different kinds of graphs based on variable type, using R. We will look at diverse domains, such as Geography, Networks and Education and plot geometric visuals based on the data we find in these domains. This will help us not only appreciate the data but give us a view of the underlying realities and ideas in each of these domains.

Using R in RStudio as an Integrated Development Environment is a crucial part of this journey. As is the paradigm of tidy data and the tidyverse method of programming in R.

Assignments & Project

There will be regular homework assignments, typically as part of lab sessions. There will also be a final term project; more details about which will be forthcoming.


We will be drawing material from a wide variety of sources for this course; as such, there is no single, required text book per se.

Our exposition will draw upon Robert Kabacoff’s book on Data Visualization, and on Hadley Wickham and Garett Grolemund’s R for Data Science. This latter book is an excellent choice for a personally owned hardcopy book on R!

We will also use material from tutorials published by prominent members of the #rstats community, such as those by Thomas Lin Perdersen (author of the tidygraph package) for Networks; Martijn Tennekes ( creator of tmap package) for Map-making; Daniel Kallin (creator of the nomnoml package); and Rich Iannone (creator of the DiagrammeR package ) for the Diagrams.

Learning Modules

Foundation Studies Programme

Lab-1: What is the use of a book with no pictures?

Science, Human Experience, Experiments, and Data

Lab-2: Down the R-abbit Hole...

Welcome ! Introduce Yourself to R, RStudio!

Lab-3: Drink Me!

Working with R Markdown and Quarto

Lab-4: I say what I mean and I mean what I say

Getting started with Data in R

Lab-5: Twas brillig, and the slithy toves...

Tidy Data at the wabe MoMA

Lab-6: These Roses have been Painted !!

The Grammar of Graphics

Lab-7: The Lobster Quadrille

Fonts and other Wizardy in ggplot

Lab-8: A Much of a Muchness?

Using Javascript libraries in R

Lab-9: If you please sir...which way to the Secret Garden?

The Grammar of Maps

Lab-10: An Invitation from the play Croquet

The Grammar of Networks

Lab-11: The Queen of Hearts, She Made some Tarts

The Grammar of Diagrams

Lab-12: Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?

The Grammar of Tables

Lab-13: Time is a Him!!

Time Series in R

Lab-14: `Oh, you’re sure to do that`, said the Cat, `if you only walk long enough.`

Using purrr to Perform Iterations in R

Lab-15: O Tiger-lily, I wish you could talk!

Scraping messy websites for data



Arvind Venkatadri

Faculty Member, SMI, MAHE